, known as the Gathering Canopy,
consists of three nests for three brothers, flourishing amidst the vibrant green paddy fields of Koduvally, Calicut, offering enchanting sunset views within a unified plot. The project promotes community living, with each villa showcasing a unique design while ensuring privacy.
landscape for three canopies in the bounded community introduces the Nivrithi
the inwarded
elevation. This sleek structure seamlessly blends diverse ingredients of a form and space with geometric exploration to provide a captivating view of the lush green mornings of the paddy field. The façade, a harmonious assembly of layered elements, exudes a raw texture and features openings that invite the refreshing air from the surrounding landscape. The residence embodies a thoughtful gradient of materials, incorporating wood tones against a backdrop of monochrome spaces. that elegantly merge and coalesce.
the structure newly awakened
one of the milanam
seamlessly blends modern and contemporary aesthetics, incorporating raw finish monotonous textures and a neutral colour palette. The spatial transformation mirrors the preferences of the residents, with architectural elements that embody the conceptual inspiration behind the space, creating a serene ambiance. The immersive design embraces minimalistic spatial sensibility amidst the expansive green landscaped surroundings. Navyam aims to establish a harmonious equation between living spaces and nature, inviting residents to surrender to the tranquillity of the context.
This architectural masterpiece Nurvi
, the precious
standing out one of Milanam
immersing itself in a perpetual symphony of birdsong, creating an undisturbed serenity within a lush, untouched landscape. The spatial design reflects a harmonious blend of minimalistic geometry and a modern interpretation of vernacular style. Striking a balance between simplicity and pragmatic functionality, the space seamlessly transforms, evoking a sense of tranquillity and offering captivating views. The residence not only pays homage to evocative sensibilities but also kindles a romantic connection with the essence of architecture